Find the right floor for your living room.

When choosing the right flooring, the overall style of the house should always be taken into account to achieve the desired effect. This is especially true for the living room, which is the focal point of the flat or house and one of the most used rooms. As such, this floor has to withstand heavy use, especially if you have pets or children. For this reason, you should not only choose a floor covering that is vivid, but also pay attention to its robustness and durability.

Unlike in the past, when people tended to reach for carpet, today they choose surfaces such as parquet, vinyl or laminate flooring, tile or stone flooring. This is partly because these floors are much easier to clean and maintain, and dirt shows up less than with carpet. The wide selection of decors, colors and textures leaves nothing to be desired and easily adapts to all interior design styles. There are no limits to your creativity.

What floor is best suited for the living room?

This question is not so easy to answer, because here it also depends on your individual ideas and which style you prefer, among other things. Every detail, such as the design, the structure and the colour of your floor coverings influence the ambience of the room. Likewise, there are also other criteria that should be taken into account:

A living room floor should be robust, hard-wearing, warm underfoot and comfortable to walk on. It should also be easy to clean and maintain. There are many floors to which such aspects apply, so you should ultimately choose the floor that best meets your needs in terms of look, feel, functionality and budget.

To find the right style for you, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the general living style of your apartment/house?
  • How big is your living room?
  • Wie sind die Lichtverhältnisse?
  • How intensively do you use your soil?
  • What is your budget?

If you can answer these questions, it will be easier to find the right flooring. Let our diverse collections inspire you and find the decor that suits you exactly.

Vinyl or laminate flooring in the living room?

Design floor (vinyl floor) in the living room

Design floors (vinyl floors) have proven to be true all-rounders in recent years and convince with their many advantages: they are very robust, durable and resistant to all kinds of dirt, scratches and moisture. They are very easy to install, easy to clean and easy to maintain. They are also pleasant to walk on, easy on the joints and much quieter than laminate floors. In addition, they have good thermal conductivity, which makes them ideal for installation over underfloor heating.  

When buying vinyl flooring, however, you should be careful and look very carefully! It may contain PVC and thus softeners and chlorine, which can harm your health in the long run. For this reason, we at CLASSEN have developed special "vinyl floors" - without vinyl! - developed:

Sie werden aus dem von uns hergestellten Werkstoff CERAMIN gefertigt, welcher frei von PVC und dessen umweltbelastenden Inhaltsstoffen ist und außerdem zu 100 % recyclebar ist. CERAMIN-Böden sind zudem vollständig wasserresistent. Somit sind unsere emissionsarmen und antibakteriellen Bodenbeläge optimal geeignet für Sie und Ihre Familie, Kinder und Haustiere. 

Erfahren Sie hier mehr über die Vorteile unseres Werkstoffes CERAMINⓇ.

Parquet and laminate flooring in the living room

In contrast to today, parquet floors were often the classic choice in the past. Parquet is timeless, looks very natural and adapts easily to all furnishing styles and accessories. The disadvantages of using parquet floors, however, are their sensitivity and the increased maintenance required. Deep scratches or other damage cannot be removed unless the floor is sanded down. This, however, involves a lot of effort and expense. In addition, a parquet floor must be regularly, but at least once a year, re-oiled with an appropriate care product. Otherwise it can quickly lose its shine. You should also be careful with moisture: standing damp can quickly penetrate the joints and cause the parquet to swell irreparably. Special care should also be taken with large or floor-to-ceiling windows with a lot of sunlight: the floor can quickly discolour and become lighter, darker or even have a yellowish tinge.  

Laminate flooring, on the other hand, is much less sensitive. It looks just as authentic, but is significantly less sensitive than parquet. With their tactile surface structure, laminate floors look like a real wooden floor and are also much more cost-effective, robust and hard-wearing. They are thermally conductive and can therefore be laid perfectly on an underlying underfloor heating system. Thanks to the floating installation, the laminate is very easy to lay and just as easy to remove again without damage. 

Unsere Kollektionen bieten eine breite Auswahl an passenden Laminatböden für verschiedene Zielgruppen:.

Tiles in the living room

Choosing tiled floors for the living room gives your living room a stylish and elegant character. They are timeless and go with almost any style of furnishing. Tiles are easy to clean, resistant to any dirt and scratches and extremely durable. Often, a tiled floor can last 30 years or more until it needs to be replaced. Tile floors are often chosen especially for pets and children. They can be laid optimally on underfloor heating and moisture cannot harm them. 

However, tiles can also make the living room look a little cooler. Here, with the right carpets, more warmth can be created in various places without having to forego the elegant character of the tiles. Likewise, tiles are very cold underfoot unless there is underfloor heating and they are best installed only by a professional. This is because when setting the tiling it is important that the subfloor is extremely even and precisely levelled so that no consequential damage occurs. Hiring a professional can cause the cost of installation to skyrocket.

Here, our CERAMINⓇ floors in tile look offer you several advantages over ceramic tiles: Due to their authentic look, they look like real tiles, but are warm underfoot, just as durable and robust and are just as easy to clean.

Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring comparison

Vinyl floor
Laminate flooring
Available in all designs, colors and formats
Adhesive vinyl is harder to remove
Available in all designs, colors and formats
Partially more sensitive to moisture
Foot warmer
Less expensive than vinyl flooring
Additional impact sound insulation is required
Much quieter than laminate
Depending on the thickness, it better compensates for unevenness of the floor
Loud, due to high impact sound and room noise
Elastic flooring and therefore easy on the joints
Easy to install and, thanks to floating installation, easy to remove without damage
Also suitable for damp and wet rooms such as bathrooms
Click vinyl is easy to install as well as easy to remove
More robust and durable than laminate
Easy care and cleaning

Light or dark floor for the living room?

Ob es ein heller oder ein dunkler Boden werden soll, hängt stark davon ab, wie groß und hell der Raum ist. Grundsätzlich gilt: Helle Böden lassen einen Raum optisch größer wirken. Ist Ihr Wohnzimmer also ein eher kleiner Raum, sollten Sie sich hier für einen hellen Bodenbelag entscheiden. Bei größeren Räumen kommt es ganz darauf an, welche Atmosphäre hier entstehen soll. Dunkle Böden in Holzoptik sorgen für einen warmen Stil und lassen große Räume besonders gemütlich wirken. Hier können Sie mit passenden Wandfarben und hellen Accessoires tolle Akzente setzen und einen stilvollen Kontrast erzielen. Sehr dunkle Böden sollten nur in besonders lichtdurchfluteten Räumen zum Einsatz kommen, damit das Wohnzimmer nicht zu düster wirkt.

Lassen Sie sich von unseren Kollektionen inspirieren und fordern Sie noch heute Ihre Wunschmuster für Ihr persönliches Traum-Wohnzimmer an! 

Checkliste der perfekte Boden für Ihr Wohnzimmer

Wir haben für Sie eine interaktive Liste erstellt, die alle Anforderungen an den idealen Boden im Wohnzimmer übersichtlich zusammenfasst. Mit unserer Checkliste können Sie sich bestens informiert für den optimalen Bodenbelag in Ihrer Wohnung entscheiden. Unsere gründliche Aufzählung garantiert, dass Sie keinen Aspekt vergessen. Sie können die Liste kostenlos herunterladen!

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