
Exciting articles on the topics of renovation, refurbishment and PVC and its negative effects on the environment and health.

Windräder stehen auf einer grünen Wiese während eines Sonnenuntergangs


Any manufacturer can label their products as environmentally friendly, but unlike dubious eco-labels, the disclosure of sustainability figures and a fair comparison with the competition create real facts. EPDs should take on this role in Europe and enable a transparent comparison of products through standardised measurements and conditions.

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Kinder spielen mit Spielzeug

How dangerous are plasticizers? Interview with Josef Spritzendorfer, building materials expert for healthy living

In February, researchers found a banned plasticizer in the circulation of kindergarten children - the exact cause remains unclear. The question arises: where else are plasticizers found and how dangerous are they? One example is PVC flooring made with plasticizers. The specialist journalist Josef Spritzendorfer is the founder of the European Society for Healthy Building and Indoor Hygiene (EGGBI). He is an expert in the field of healthy living and gives us his opinion on plasticizers in an interview.

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Ein Schiff mit Containern fährt auf dem Meer. Im Meer sieht man den Planeten Erde.

All business is local – wie Lieferengpässe entstehen und vermieden werden können

Natural disasters, geopolitical events and the pandemic are having a significant impact on business in the flooring trade. The reason for this is the fragile supply chain. It plays a central role in global trade for many flooring manufacturers in terms of the availability and cost efficiency of their products, but is vulnerable in many places. We shed light on the various factors that can jeopardize the supply chain in the flooring trade.

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Ein altes Gebäude mit Asbest im Dach

Warnung vor Asbest in Altbauten betrifft auch PVC

IG BAU warns of the dangers of asbestos when renovating old buildings, which can also affect the PVC used. Commercial and private builders, tradesmen and DIY enthusiasts must be informed, say the experts, and call for, among other things, a pollutant building passport that identifies hazard levels and degrees of exposure.

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