Ihr Tiny House auf Rädern: Darauf müssen Sie achten

Small, compact, sustainable: tiny houses celebrate minimalism and sustainability in a small living space. Mobile tiny houses equipped with wheels are part of the trend. Owners expect almost unlimited mobility and freedom - a house to go! It's a dream, but there are a few factors to consider before it can come true. From weight issues to certification. We explain what you need to look out for in tiny houses with wheels and what you should know before you buy.

Advantages of a mobile tiny house

Having wheels at home has many advantages, first and foremost the increased mobility: moving to another city or just to another location is theoretically possible without any problems. People with a strong desire to travel or dynamically changing life situations in particular benefit from a mobile home. On vacation, you save the costs of a hotel or vacation home and can also enjoy your usual comfort on campsites. This is made possible by the mobile base of the Tiny House, which can be coupled to a vehicle as a trailer. A foundation under the house is also not required. This makes mobile tiny houses an affordable alternative for homeowners. In addition, tiny houses are often equipped with self-sufficiency features such as solar panels or rainwater systems. In terms of self-determination, development options and comfort, a Tiny House on wheels far surpasses the possibilities of a mobile home.

Tiny House: Wheels with parking claw

The extra mobility and additional options also come at a price. In contrast to conventional tiny houses, the floor of mobile houses is not as well insulated. Which for the owners:often means cold floors inside in the morning and little space for underfloor heating. The reason for this is the strict weight restriction, which rules out some building projects from the outset. Many materials - such as stone tiles for the floor of the property - are not even an option. Here you need to be particularly careful when making your choice.
The right floor covering for a tiny house should be as light as possible and yet versatile in design to leave room for creativity. Like our extremely lightweight CERAMIN floor coverings, for example, which are available in a wide range of designs from a wood look to a stone texture.

Mobile Tiny Houses offer a wide range of freedoms, although these are also restricted by legislation. To give an example: If you want to set up your Tiny House on a plot of land and live there permanently, you will need planning permission, even if no building work is happening or planned. If you move and want to settle somewhere else, you will need to apply for planning permission again. This time-consuming process is repeated for every move. If you are not planning to stay in one place permanently with your house on wheels, you will face other bureaucratic tasks. Because as soon as you move your Tiny House to another location, it has to be registered. To make things as simple as possible, we explain your options in the following sections. We have summarized how you need to proceed to obtain the permits in a guide.

How you can use your Tiny House on wheels

You have three options for obtaining approval for your Tiny House on wheels. These differ in terms of the effort involved and are also decisive for how you are ultimately allowed to use your mobile tiny house.

Option 1: Approval as a residential building

This option is ideal for settling down with your mobile tiny house and is only recommended if you want to stay in one place permanently. In this case, you will need to apply for planning permission, just as you would for a stationary house. This includes a number of regulations that you must comply with and will significantly restrict the freedom of movement of your mobile home. In contrast to conventional house building, however, you save a lot of money and can purchase and set up your own home for a fraction of the financial outlay.

Option 2: Registration as a caravan

This type of registration is ideal for travelers and adventure seekers. Similar to a caravan, you can visit a wide variety of places and still have the comfort of a home. What you do need, however, are specially designated parking spaces. You must not park your Tiny House in a beautiful spot in the woods or in a standard parking lot. Find out where you can find suitable parking spaces before you travel. Our tip: campsites often offer these. If you register your Tiny House as a caravan, the same rules apply as for caravans: you are not allowed to live in your mobile home permanently. Instead, it must be registered as a dwelling house. In addition, there are strict rules regarding dimensions, weight and equipment before your house is even allowed on the road.

Option 3: Admission as cargo

The declaration as cargo is best suited if you want to transport your Tiny House once - for example to a new place of residence. The process for this is less time-consuming than with the other options, but the registration is only valid for the journey. Once you are at your destination and want to set up the house, you must register it either as a caravan or as a home in order to use it. Using a registered trailer for transportation is not enough. You must also observe certain criteria when registering it as a load.

We have summarised the exact criteria you need to meet in order to use your Tiny House as a home, caravan or cargo and where you can obtain approval in a detailed guide. You can request them here free of charge.


A Tiny House on wheels is not for everyone, but for some it's just the thing! Once the bureaucratic hurdles have been overcome, the mobile home gives you new freedoms that a stationary house can never achieve and that far surpass the lifestyle and comfort of a caravan. With their focus on sustainability and conscious use of resources, Tiny Houses on wheels offer a future-proof lifestyle with manageable costs for your own property. Mini house enthusiasts who shy away from the hassle of a licence should consider tiny houses without wheels.

Das brauchen Sie für die Zulassung Ihres Tiny Houses auf Rädern

Für die Zulassung Ihres mobilen Tiny Houses auf Rädern benötigen Sie einige wichtige Schritte. Die Idee der Freiheit, die ein Tiny House auf Rädern bietet, fasziniert viele Menschen, jedoch müssen Sie sich der rechtlichen Realität bewusst sein und entsprechend handeln. Diese Checkliste bietet Ihnen einen detaillierten Leitfaden, welche Anforderungen auf Sie zukommen und welche Möglichkeiten Sie haben.

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