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- Fehler Badsanierung
The 10 biggest bathroom renovation mistakes - and how to do it right.
Bathroom is probably the room that we enter most often in the apartment. For this reason, it wears out more and loses its luster faster. Bathroom renovation gives the room a fresh look and can also provide new functions and arrangement in the room. Chic furniture, new tiles or the dreamed sink will increase not only the quality of the bathroom, but the whole apartment. In the process, some things can also go wrong and these mistakes will cost you time and money. We explain the 10 most common bathroom renovation mistakes and give tips on how to save money and do it right.
Keine Planung im Voraus
A successful bathroom renovation must always begin with detailed planning. Otherwise, you can expect nasty surprises when the costs go through the roof or the new bathtub doesn't fit into the planned corner after all. First and foremost, you should make sure that you want to do a bathroom renovation and that a bathroom renovation is not enough. We explained the difference in our blog post. If you decide to renovate now, start by thoroughly measuring every corner of the bathroom. The taken measurements will be the basis for the whole project and will determine what furniture, tiles and cabinets you can choose. To avoid mistakes, it's best to take their measurements in pairs. When planning the bathroom, be sure to pay attention to the opening radius of the doors and bathroom cabinets: can they be opened without any problems, even if several people use the bathroom at the same time? There are useful tools online that help with planning, such as palletehome. In addition to spatial planning, financial planning must also be determined in advance: How much money do you want to invest in the remodel? Get a cost estimate for the various measures beforehand to get an overview. Only then will you have a realistic estimate and be able to decide on the best option for your bathroom.
Nicht realistisch bleiben
When planning a bathroom, many people tend to overestimate how much will actually fit in the room. Of course, if you want to accommodate a lot of bathroom items, you can plan as tightly as possible. However, the hallmark of a comfortable bathroom is that it is easily usable and set up for everyday use. One less dresser can make the bathroom feel less cramped. Households with more than one person should plan more generously so that several people can use the bathroom at the same time. Keep it realistic and try not to squeeze too many wants into one bathroom.
Nur ein Wochenende eingeplant
The time required for the basic overhaul of the bathroom should not be underestimated. Experts advise planning at least two weeks for a complete renovation of the bathroom. This is not just a matter of carrying out the work, but also of preliminary planning, arranging appointments with tradesmen and procuring materials, if necessary. You can get the best estimate from a professional. They can tell you how easy it is to obtain materials and whether the schedule for your bathroom is really realistic.
Nicht praktisch gedacht
The renovated bathroom should look visually first-class, but at least as important is its suitability for everyday use. A beautiful bathroom that does not have enough storage space quickly becomes a burden. As soon as the items spread wildly in the bathroom, the joy of the beautiful furniture fades. If there are children in the household, even more storage space must be planned. An elegant bathtub looks beautiful, but takes up much more space than a simple shower, especially in small rooms. Here you need to weigh what is more important.
Die falschen Fliesen ausgesucht
Die Fliesen verleihen einem Bad erst seinen Charakter. Es herrscht eine große Auswahl verschiedener Materialien, Formen und Farben. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit und entscheiden Sie sich nicht leichtfertig für ein Produkt, denn die Fliesen begleiten das Bad für mehrere Jahrzehnte. Sie sind über diese Zeit großer Belastung und Nässe ausgesetzt – hier muss die Auswahl sitzen, damit das Bad auch gefällt. An dieser Stelle zu sparen, lohnt sich also nicht. Die Wand- und Bodenauswahl kann einen großen Effekt auf die Wirkung des Bads haben. Ein Tipp von uns: Großflächige Fliesen in neutralen oder hellen Farben können kleinere Räume größer wirken lassen. In der CERAMIN®-Fliesenkollektion finden Sie garantiert ansprechende Designs, um Ihr Bad aufzuwerten.
Technische Gegebenheiten nicht geprüft
Before you buy a new bathtub or even a rain shower for your renovated bathroom, you need to know if they are compatible. Ask yourself the following questions: Is the water pressure sufficient for the new unit? Will the current connections need to be changed and the water line extended for the new shower? Will lines need to be rerouted because the sink is getting a new location? Be sure to make sure all the requirements are met beforehand so you don't buy unusable technology.
An den falschen Ecken gespart
Bathroom renovation is expensive - nevertheless, some measures can save costs. It is important to know in which places you should not be stingy in any case: Furniture in the bathroom is constantly exposed to high humidity and stress. The same applies to joints, pipes and tiles. These should be made of high-quality material and be of good quality to withstand until the next bathroom renovation in 20 years. Anyone who buys cheaply here will have to renovate again in less than 10 years when the first tiles break or mold collects at the sink. Handicraft talented people can save the money for experts with a few simple steps. Our tip: Removing the old bathtub, any painting work or dismantling the shower enclosure can be done without training. Laying tiles, on the other hand, is usually not something you should do yourself. With our Ceramin Tiles, however, even laymen can manage to lay them independently and quickly. This saves money for tile installers and time during renovation. How easy it is, shows our Installation video. We clearly advise against installations in the bathroom or the laying of standard tiles. Here, experts must be involved to ensure that no mistakes are made.
Bei der Badplanung nur kurzfristig gedacht
It will be several years before your next bathroom renovation. So consider today what you will need in the next 10 to 20 years: Could an accessible shower be an option for you or an elderly family member? Perhaps also a shower at ground level and handles for better grip? Is there a baby on the way in the near future? If so, consider additional storage space and replacing any furniture that is pointy or protrudes into the room. Non-slip tile and sinks that are as deep as possible might also be worth considering. The right time for such changes is the bathroom renovation.
Keine Ausweichmöglichkeit während der Badsanierung
While you are renovating the bathroom, some days you will not be able to use your shower or even the entire bathroom. You should plan for this and ask acquaintances, neighbors or relatives if you can use their bathroom during this time.
Das sanierte Bad nicht gepflegt
The bathroom is finally renovated - now nothing can go wrong? Wrong! Because this is where one of the most important aspects comes into play: you must continue to take good care of your bathroom. Find out, for example, how the new furniture needs to be cared for. Often, the most important thing is to use the right cleaning agents. Otherwise, the next renovation will be due sooner than you would like.
Geld und Zeit sparen mit CERAMIN®-Fliesen
With Ceramin tiles, you avoid three of the ten typical mistakes in renovation all by yourself. Thanks to the easy handling, you can lay the tiles on your own - without grouting or post-treatment - and save yourself expensive craftsmen. Our high-quality products are robust and guaranteed to last until the next renovation. In our collections you are guaranteed to find sustainable and appealing designs for your bathroom renovation.
Checkliste die häufigsten Fehler bei der Badsanierung
Sie wollen sichergehen, dass Sie beim Sanieren Ihres Badezimmers an alles gedacht haben? Mit unserer interaktiven Checkliste vermeiden Sie die typischen und häufigsten Fehler. Außerdem erhalten Sie eine Auflistung an Material und Werkzeug, das Sie unbedingt benötigen. Die Checkliste können Sie hier kostenlos herunterladen.