Features & Projects

Renovation & Redevelopment

In recent years, the bathroom has developed into a place that should not only serve daily hygiene, but also invite you to relax and feel good. Bathroom renovations and modernizations are therefore inevitable for many homeowners in order to meet the increased demands on their own "oasis of well-being". For renovation and refurbishment companies, this offers a great opportunity to meet the needs of their customers by using high-quality, environmentally friendly and aesthetic products. DIY:indoors, the use of CERAMIN® enables fast and visually appealing renovation.

Perfect for DIY

CERAMIN® is an ideal choice for Bathroom renovation by DIY enthusiasts. The warm-to-the-touch tiles, including the large-format XXL tiles with their virtually seamless appearance, are two-thirds lighter than conventional ceramic or stoneware tiles and can therefore be laid without assistance. They can be easily cut to size with a cutter knife and require no additional drying time after installation. What's more, existing wall and floor coverings, such as backsplashes in the bathroom, can simply be glued over. Installation causes significantly less dust and noise (-50%) - a pleasant experience for DIY enthusiasts and neighbours.

Quality made in Germany

Our CERAMIN® tiles are slip-resistant and 100% waterproof, which makes them ideal for wet and damp areas. Thanks to their low installation height, they can also be laid without any problems on underfloor heating systems - both hot water and electric. CERAMIN® floors are UV-resistant and also much more robust and resistant than standard tiles (NKL34). In order to guarantee you the best quality of our products at all times, we subject them to regular internal and external tests by independent institutes. And if something should go wrong, no problem - all our CERAMIN® products come with a warranty of up to 15 years! If you have any further questions, please take a look at our FAQ.

Sustainable and healthy for living

Die Rohstoffe für unsere Bodenbeläge beziehen wir zum größten Teil direkt aus Deutschland. Nicht zuletzt diese kurzen Lieferwege, sondern auch die generellen Materialeigenschaften unseres neuartigen Werkstoffes CERAMIN® machen unsere Bodenbeläge zur idealen Wahl in puncto Umweltfreundlichkeit and Healthy living. CERAMIN® Bodenbeläge sind frei von PVC und Weichmachern. Auch Allergiker können aufatmen, denn mit CERAMIN® entsteht hier keinerlei Gefahr für Erwachsene, Kinder oder Haustiere. Dies bestätigt uns auch die Auszeichnung mit dem Blauen Engel. Sollen die Fliesen doch irgendwann einmal ausgetauscht und entfernt werden, sind unsere Bodenbeläge zu 100 % recyclingfähig und werden im Anschluss zu neuem Bodenbelag verarbeitet – kein Downcycling, kein zusätzlicher Plastikmüll. So geht echte Kreislaufwirtschaft.


Your project with CERAMIN®

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Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 18:00

+49 2653 980 0