tile in living room

At this point we are dealing with a particular format for cladding the living room floor: tile. A tile, regardless of the material, simply describes a square or rectangular format. Previously automatically associated with the ceramic or porcelain tile, the current variety of materials gives the format a tremendous amount of appeal even for living rooms, especially for the living room.

The decision about tiles on the living room walls is primarily driven by aesthetics - with limits. Few would keep their living room in the same look and feel as the bathroom, or paint a tile pattern on the woodchip wallpaper. That's why we want to focus on tiles for the living room floor. Many factors are transferable to wall tiles.

Our selection for the living room

We compare below with each other: ceramic tiles, natural stone tiles and plastic tiles. Mentioned in advance in brief, because less familiar:

Glass tiles are rather unusual choice for the floor. They are significantly more expensive than most types of tile, and at the same time more fragile and slippery. In addition, glass tiles are not good conductors and accumulators of heat in conjunction with floor heating systems. In their favor are show effects in terms of light and design.

Wood tiles were not uncommon as living room floors in the 60s and 70s. With the spread of laminate floors with a parquet look and a wide variety of parquet variants, they disappeared again in many places. They are particularly susceptible to dents and scratches, can be especially sensitive to moisture and are comparatively high-maintenance even with a good coating.

Ceramic tiles - hard and cool

A decision for ceramic tiles in the living room is not uncommon in terms of: Durability, maintenance requirements and / or floor heating.

Floors made of ceramic tiles can last a good 30 years or more without damage. The main focus is on their insensitivity to everyday dirt and the possibility of "just quickly" wipe everything with a damp cloth.

But ceramic tiles also belong to the hard floors. What only feels uncomfortable for some, unless you permanently wear street shoes in the living room, can become a major hazard in several respects, for example, for small children or people with an increased risk of falling (old age, frailty, epilepsy, etc.):

1. ceramic tiles do not absorb impact.

2. ceramic tiles are often comparatively slippery - both dry and wet.

In addition, hard floors are usually little to no sound insulation. This applies not only to rooms above the first floor, but also on the same level.

Well works the combination of ceramic tiles and floor heating. Ceramic is an excellent conductor of heat. This means that the floor heat is distributed quickly and well in the room.

Ceramic tiles, whether on the wall or on the floor, should always be laid professionally. Unevenness on the substrate must be removed most carefully, otherwise fractures of the corresponding tiles are pre-programmed.

Ceramic tiles are a good choice in the living room when ...

  • much everyday dirt accumulates due to dogs, attached terrace/garden, integrated dining area, high number of people in the household.
  • underfloor heating is present or is to be installed.
  • the living room is located on the first floor.

Natural stone tiles - elegant to noble

Natural stone tiles for the living room are very often the result of a choice that emphasizes aesthetics and design. Whether marble, granite, slate or other species - natural stone almost always looks particularly elegant and timeless.

In many aspects, natural stone tiles are comparable to ceramic tiles. On average, they are even more durable than ceramic tiles, but require more time-consuming maintenance and are more susceptible to scratches. Natural stone tiles must therefore be regularly and professionally sealed.

Floors with natural stone tiles are more for the aesthetic eye than for children, people at risk of falling and pets. That's not a pejorative. As unpleasant as a literally rock-hard surface is in combination with increased risk of slipping when wet, it can shape rooms like no other material.

In terms of thermal conductivity, natural stone tiles are at least equally advantageous as ceramic tiles - a good and efficient choice in combination with floor heating.

Those who want to decorate their living room with a floor of natural stone tiles, as a rule, do not leave it in this one room. So you should think carefully about where you want to put these floors and for what period of time they will stay there. Because natural stone tiles, as well as their installation, are much too expensive to change your mind after five years.

Natural stone tiles are a good choice in the living room when ...

  • Design and architectural aspects clearly take precedence over practical considerations, especially in the context of a larger family.
  • Underfloor heating is present or planned.
  • the price does not matter.

Plastic tiles - all-rounders with development potential

Nein, Kunststofffliesen sind nicht automatisch die beste Wahl. Dafür ist allein schon die Materialvielfalt viel zu unterschiedlich. Diese fällt weniger bezüglich Optik, Kosten und Komfort ins Gewicht als vielmehr in Bezug auf Gesundheit und Umwelt. So liegen dahingehend etwa zwischen PVC-Fliesen und CERAMIN® Tiles Welten. Der von uns entwickelte CERAMIN® enthält beispielsweise keine gefährlichen Weichmacher, ist schadstoffarm und zu hundert Prozent und ohne Qualitätsverlust recycelbar. Detaillierte Informationen dazu in »PVC and health« sowie »PVC and environment«. 

Nicht wenige Unterschiede weicher Kunststoffböden gegenüber harten Böden unterliegen der Materialentwicklung im Bereich Kunststoffe. Hochwertige Vinylböden oder auch Materialien wie CERAMIN® sind hierfür gute Beispiele. Entscheidende Entwicklungsfortschritte vollziehen sich heute im Vergleich zur Lebensdauer des Materials deutlich schneller.

In terms of design and texture, many designs created using digital printing can only be distinguished by the naked eye on closer inspection. Combinations of plastic flooring and natural stone walls have long been able to meet high design demands.

Bezüglich der alltäglichen Pflege bei normaler Raumnutzung sind z. B. CERAMIN® Tiles auf gleicher Stufe wie Keramikfliesen – feuchtes Wischen geht schnell und beseitigt alles, was an alltäglichem Schmutz anfällt. Kinder, Haustiere und Schmutz aus dem Garten stellen keine unverhältnismäßigen Herausforderungen dar. Durch die wasserabweisenden Eigenschaften vieler Kunststoffböden sind sie längst auch für Nass- bzw. Feuchträume wie Bad, WC und Küchen.

Plastic tiles are a good choice in the living room when ...

  • Homeliness goes before exceptionally noble or cold ambience.
  • der Fliesenboden nicht über mehrere Generationen halten muss (CERAMIN® basierte Produkte haben ab 15 Jahren Garantie).
  • statt PVC und Vinylböden, deren Inhaltsstoffe nicht angegeben werden müssen, etwa CERAMIN® Tiles in Frage kommen.
  • the budget must or would like to be limited.

Special aspect: slip resistance

The harder the ground, the harder and more consequential the impact. This makes it all the more important to assess the risk of slipping. This is especially true if children live in the household or people are at increased risk of slipping due to age or illness. Remember that while damp mopping is equally convenient and quick for all floors, slip resistance changes depending on the floor covering. Ceramic and natural stone tiles are particularly treacherous in this regard.

There is a slip resistance classification standardized according to DIN 51131. It is divided into five classes:

R9: very low slip resistance, e.g. bedroom, living room
R10: low slip resistance, e.g. bathroom, washroom
R11: medium slip resistance, e.g. outdoor area, terrace, stairs
R12: strong slip resistance, designed for industry
R13: very strong slip resistance, designed for industry
For private living spaces, only classes R9 to R11 are relevant.

If you have people with named risk factors in your household, you can also obtain information on this topic from publications of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV).

Eine Kombination von Kunststofffliesen und Bodenheizung ist grundsätzlich möglich. Allerdings ist die Wärmeleitfähigkeit von Naturstein und Keramik immer noch besser. Dem stehen zwei Aspekte gegenüber: Viele Kunststoffböden sind fußwarm. Was für Erwachsene vielleicht kein zu großes Komfort-Kriterium darstellt, kann für Familien mit kleinen Kindern ein großes Plus sein. Schlechte Wärmeleitfähigkeit bedeutet auch gute Isoliereigenschaften und damit Energiesparpotential.

Die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer solcher Böden liegt in der Tat unter der von Keramik- und Natursteinfliesen. Allerdings sind auch hier 20 Jahre keine Ausnahme mehr. CERAMIN® Tiles bestehen sogar aus einem keramikähnlichen Verbundstoff.
Dabei muss berücksichtigt werden, dass der Austausch von Kunststofffliesen je nach Anlage sehr viel schneller, kostengünstiger und auch von privater Hand durchgeführt werden kann. Besonders »schwimmend« verlegte Fliesen oder CERAMIN® Tiles, die sich nahtlos ineinander stecken lassen und nicht mit dem Untergrund verklebt werden müssen, sind schnell ausgebaut.

If ceramic and natural stone tiles also have to be cut to size by the manufacturer, this can also be done at home with common tools for most synthetic floors, which allows an enormous plus in flexibility.

Special aspect: Costs

Ceramic tiles are on average between 20 and 60 euros per square meter. There are differences not only by the quality and type, but also by the size of the tiles. As a rule, the smaller ceramic tiles, the cheaper they are.

Those who prefer the look of ceramics, but still like it a bit classier, can switch to porcelain tiles. Their properties are basically comparable with those of ceramics, but they are somewhat denser, so also heavier, and therefore more resilient and durable. With regard to the "normal" load of living rooms by family with children, porcelain tiles are not necessary. They are more likely to be found in heavily trafficked entrance areas and in corporate environments. At about 30 to 100 euros per square meter, they are also significantly more expensive.

Natural stone tiles vary in price primarily due to the type and quality of the stone. Slate or limestone are on average cheaper than granite or marble, for example. Across the board, you can calculate between 50 and 200 euros per square meter. In comparison, it is the most expensive option to purchase. Here, too, the necessary professional installation you need to charge extra.

Plastic tiles are usually the cheapest option, taking into account all the different quality classes. With 10 to 30 euros per square meter you are well advised even with quality products.

Even though plastic tiles are still popular for rooms with wetness potential such as kitchens, bathrooms or laundry rooms, it's always worth keeping an eye on the quality and variety of designs and textures on offer.

The practical advantages, especially in terms of particularly simple and dirt-free laying, which can be done even by yourself, make plastic tiles very attractive for families with children. How quickly change in this life span living situations and places.

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